The Royal College of Art has a duty of care to all its students and staff to support anyone who is accused of misconduct without prejudice.
This could include being accused or those reporting incidents of misconduct against others. The RCA’s zero tolerance of inappropriate behaviour does not mean that we will not support individuals who have been accused and are subjected to a formal investigation. 
Similarly, the college has zero-tolerance for vexatious allegations of misconduct and will continuously support those subjected to such complaints.

We fully appreciate that any allegations of inappropriate behaviour can have a distressing impact upon you and whilst we have a duty to thoroughly investigate, we can assure you that it will be conducted sensitively, in confidence and in accordance with our duty of care policy.

Steps to take if you have been accused of misconduct
  • Firstly, remain calm. It is important to react appropriately regardless of the foundation of the allegation and let due process take its course. Please do not attempt to contact the complainant 
  • Secondly, share the circumstances with someone you trust. While this is never easy, it is important you do not try to deal with it by yourself and consider sharing with a friend, a family member, or a member of staff you trust within the College. 
  • Seek support through your College Team, they will be able to offer you support throughout the whole process. Also, the Student Support Team and HR Team can provide specialist mental health support if you feel it would be beneficial to you. You can also read more about support for your mental wellbeing here.
  • Seek advice through the Student Support Team or your HR representative, the first point of contact for areas relating to student and staff support and advice. They will be able to point you in the right direction with regards to which service may be suitable for your needs.
If you would prefer to speak to someone outside of the organisation, Union / Student Union reps can provide free, independent and confidential advice and support to you. They will treat you with respect and sensitivity, and you will be under no pressure to make any form of a report. The Advisers can talk you through your options, and support you in any action you decide to take. This can include guiding you through the reporting form, explaining the process and procedures, and accompanying you to any meetings. 

You may also wish to seek legal advice from an independent source if you have been contacted by the police