This is a new reporting tool which aims to provide a central location for all staff to pass on urgent or emerging wellbeing or welfare concerns for RCA students so appropriate and timely support can be arranged. The information submitted is received by senior members of Student Support, and read within one working day with appropriate action taken within 48 hours, typically a lot sooner.
We recognise that many staff will come into contact with students in distress and feel the need, or are requested, to offer support. It is important that you do so within the boundaries of what you feel comfortable doing and access support for yourself. As we begin to consolidate a whole-institution approach to mental health, wellbeing and suicide prevention, this reporting tool is just one component in a wider movement to ensure, as a community, we are curious and use our observation skills to identify students who may not be thriving and intervene compassionately.
In support articles:
What are wellbeing or welfare concerns?
Support for staff
Reporting timeline
I have concerns about a student, what should I do?
Emergency protocol_______________________________________________________________
Urgent concerns: where an immediate and measured response is required without the help of the emergency services
Emerging concerns; less urgent but require prompt, coherent and appropriate responses together with a suitable exploration, ongoing monitoring and support. The Student Support team operates within working hours (09:00 - 17:30 / Monday - Friday). The College is unable to act as a crisis service. We do, however, subscribe to a range of out of hours resources and support systems offering emotional and practical support.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of your wellbeing report or might like to debrief by talking through the situation with a member of the team, please feel welcome to email